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Horticulture and Landscaping

Horticulture and Landscaping

Allotment Keeping

Allotment Keeping


This one day course is ideal for the beginner to raise confidence in managing a new or existing allotment or larger area of garden. Candidates will be given advise on how to produce a range of fruit, vegetables and herbs.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
31/03/202531/03/20250£115.00[Read More]
Brickwork in the Garden

Brickwork in the Garden


Gain valuable skills in basic bricklaying techniques. This practical. one-day course covers topics including setting out and constructing a simple corner, and laying bricks in a line.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
11/04/202511/04/20250£140.00[Read More]
General Gardening Day

General Gardening Day


Learn how to keep your garden in good order, with advice on composting, weeding, pruning and more. Our one-day course in Writtle is open to all.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
05/04/202505/04/20250£110.00[Read More]
Lawn Care - A Generic Guide

Lawn Care - A Generic Guide


This one day course will provide a generic guide to caring for your turf areas. The training will be delivered through both theory and practical sessions.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
28/04/202528/04/20250£115.00[Read More]
Paving in the Garden

Paving in the Garden


This one day practical course is an introduction to the preparation and laying of paving.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
10/04/202510/04/20250£140.00[Read More]

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