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School of Midwifery and Community Health

School of Midwifery and Community Health

Exploring anatomical and physiological differences in children: half day workshop [non credit bearin

Exploring anatomical and physiological differences in children: half day workshop [non credit bearin


This webinar supports SCPHN teams, and people with children and young people, by providing an overview of the anatomical and physiological differences in children. 

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
10.6.25 1-4pm
10/06/202510/06/20250£100.00[Read More]
14.10.25 1-4PM
14/10/202514/10/20250£100.00[Read More]
Human milk sharing today: half day workshop [non credit bearing]

Human milk sharing today: half day workshop [non credit bearing]


Human milk sharing is not a new concept and occurs through human milk banks and online peer sharing sites. Together we will explore human milk sharing today and the implications for practice. 

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
17th June 9-12am
17/06/202517/06/20250£100.00[Read More]
Social prescribing in community health: half day workshop [non credit bearing]

Social prescribing in community health: half day workshop [non credit bearing]


Human milk sharing is not a new concept and occurs through human milk banks and online peer sharing site. Together we will explore human milk sharing today and the implications for practice. 

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
21.10.25 1-4PM
21/10/202521/10/20250£100.00[Read More]
Supporting LGBTQI+ in healthcare: half day workshop [non credit bearing]

Supporting LGBTQI+ in healthcare: half day workshop [non credit bearing]


How can we support the LGBTQI+ individual and communities within the health care setting. Join us to explore this further and consider how we can all support and develop this in practice.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
17.6.25 1-4pm
17/06/202517/06/20250£100.00[Read More]
21.10.25 9-12am
21/10/202521/10/20250£100.00[Read More]
Understanding genomics and epigenetics in healthcare

Understanding genomics and epigenetics in healthcare


All living things have a genome. In humans, this is all our DNA and contains the instructions to build and repair our bodies. Together we will explore genetic and epigenetics and how this information applies to community-based practitioners

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
17.6.25 1-4pm
17/06/202517/06/20250£100.00[Read More]
21.10.25 9-12am
21/10/202521/10/20250£100.00[Read More]

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