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Social prescribing in community health: half day workshop [non credit bearing]


Course Information

Social prescribing in community health: half day workshop [non credit bearing]

Human milk sharing is not a new concept and occurs through human milk banks and online peer sharing site. Together we will explore human milk sharing today and the implications for practice. 

Course Code


Course Leader

Leanne Cleal
Course Description

Exploring what is meant by social prescribing in the community and how this can be used to influence the health outcomes for individuals and communities, focusing on how you can use social prescribing in practice. We will also explore specifically how social prescribing can be used practitioners and services in the community. We will explore the evidence base together and consider what can be learnt from the examples of national good practice.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
25.2.25 1-4 PM
25/02/202525/02/20250£100.00[Read More]
21.10.25 1-4PM
21/10/202521/10/20250£100.00[Read More]

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