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Understanding genomics and epigenetics in healthcare


Course Information

Understanding genomics and epigenetics in healthcare

All living things have a genome. In humans, this is all our DNA and contains the instructions to build and repair our bodies. Together we will explore genetic and epigenetics and how this information applies to community-based practitioners

Course Code


Course Leader

Leanne Cleal
Course Description

This workshop will support you to consider both genetics and epigenetics and the importance of understanding these to provide optimum support and healthcare within the community. As community practitioners, it is imperative that we are aware of the influences on our health, and how we can work together to improve the health of our future generations.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
17.6.25 1-4pm
17/06/202517/06/20250£100.00[Read More]
21.10.25 9-12am
21/10/202521/10/20250£100.00[Read More]

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