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Human milk sharing today: half day workshop [non credit bearing]


Course Information

Human milk sharing today: half day workshop [non credit bearing]

Human milk sharing is not a new concept and occurs through human milk banks and online peer sharing sites. Together we will explore human milk sharing today and the implications for practice. 

Course Code


Course Leader

Amanda Wagg
Course Description

This workshop covers the history of milk sharing, talks about human milk sharing today, where it occurs, the risks and benefits. Human milk sharing is not a new concept and peer to peer sharing and wet nursing still occurs today. Many professionals are not aware of human milk banks, and many parents donate and receive milk online. Together we explore what this looks like today and together widen knowledge and consider local policy. 

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
17th June 9-12am
17/06/202517/06/20250£100.00[Read More]

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